Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday Morning Doodles

5 reasons why I can't be anyone's girlfriend, why I shouldn't be anyone's girlfriend, why YOU don't want me to be your girlfriend. (Well, for now. I don't mean it in a ridiculous, paranoid way. And no pun intended ;p)

Im useless in the kitchen. Well not entirely useless. I can do the dishes. LOL. But never, i repeat, NEVER ask me to cook. I suck at it. BIG time!

2. Im a home person. I don't go out much. And I HATE being in the middle of the crowd especially when its hot and everyone is sweating. So that means less 'dating' hours. LOL.

3. Most of the time I don't answer my phone because most of the time I have no idea where my phone is. Weird? Some people cant live without their phone. Not me. I dont carry them around everywhere I go. And most of the time I left them in silent mode. AND I barely return any calls. So less 'bergayut' hours.

4. Everyday is PMS-day. With me, there's no telling when I will explode. Im sensitive and easily annoyed, period!

5. I listen to sappy, classical music.
So an hour on the road with me might seems like a week of torments to you. LOL.

So that's that. 5 things that reflects the boring-ness in me. Well if anyone can change me from the 5 above, well maybe I should be your girlfriend. hahaha!

Loves! ;)